Registered Massage Therapy

Gordon Head Massage Therapy

Gordon Head Massage Therapy VictoriaDo you suffer with knots or recurrent tightness in your muscles?

Massage Therapy can help in the treatment of a range of problems, from muscle spasm due to pain, to muscle stiffness post sport. At the Shelbourne Physiotherapy Gordon Head Recreation Centre Clinic  we combine Swedish Massage techniques with other soft tissue treatments such as Trigger Point Release, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release and Muscle Energy Techniques. These techniques can be combined to produce benefits such as…

  • Improved joint mobility
  • Increased breakdown of scar tissue and reduced inflammation
  • Improved muscle tone and balance
  • Relief of muscle tightness, stiffness, spasm
  • Increased blood circulation and nutrients to the skin and muscles
  • Reduced pain by release of endorphins

Victoria BC Massage TherapyWhen you receive Massage Therapy at Shelbourne Physiotherapy you can be assured your treatment will be specific to your problem and conducted by a professional who understands the anatomy and physiology related to your problem.

If you feel our female Victoria Registered Massage Therapists can help with your pain please  contact us at 250-598-9828.

Gordon Head Massage Therapy in Victoria, B.C.

Shelbourne Physiotherapy & Massage-Gordon Head Rec Centre Clinic, 4100 Lambrick Way, Victoria, BC, V8N 5R3, CA
Phone: 250-598-9828

Shelbourne Physiotherapy, Pilates & Massage is a locally owned health company with 3 locations in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. Our clinics offer Physiotherapy, IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) & Dry Needling, Kinesiology, Exercise Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Sports Rehabilitation, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Vestibular, Dizziness & Balance Rehabilitation, Women’s health (peri-partum and incontinence), Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Scoliosis Treatment,  Clinical Osteofit Classes, Osteoporosis TreatmentAquatherapy, Pool Therapy, Real Time Ultrasound, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Treatment, Electrical Modalities, Pelvic Floor Physio, Pelvic Pain Physiotherapy, Incontinence Treatment, Sports Physiotherapy, Chronic Pain Treatment,  Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Aquatic Therapy, Yoga, Yogalates, Polestar Pilates, Stott PilatesClinical Pilates, PIlates Instructor Training in Victoria BCScoliosis Treatment and Custom Knee Bracing,

Our clinics are approved providers for WorksafeBC (WCB) Physiotherapy and ICBC Physiotherapy, Kinesiology & Rehabilitation. We are proud members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy(CAMPT), Sport Physiotherapy Canada, SportmedBC, British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK), Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), Vestibular Disorders Association, International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST), Think Local Victoria, Canadian Federation of Independent Business(CFIB),  the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA and the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) We have a clinic located in the Gordon Head Recreation Centre in Saanich

Shelbourne Physiotherapy staff provide clinical instruction at our Victoria Clinic for students in the UBC Faculty of Medicine. We are an accredited facility for UBC Dept. of Physical Therapy Student Practicums.

Our experienced and dedicated Health Care Professionals include Victoria Physiotherapists Penny Salmas, Jennifer Kolot, Mark Gottfried, Nicole Gill, Jenna Peters, Brad Curry, Andrew Mills, Meena Sran, Phil Lawrence, Jessica Shave, Kim Lobb, Kathy Murdoch, Ruan Le Roux, Nina Bai, Seung Bai, Eimear Brogan and Blair Braz. Our experienced Victoria BC Kinesiologists include Heidi Nottelman, Larry Muir, Radek Wiechecki and Lindsey Tabish. Our experienced Victoria BC Registered Massage Therapists include Taryn Krizan, Selena Curvelo, Dresden Varney, Kathy Pantalon, Molly Scott and Natasha Leclair. Our Certified Victoria Pilates and Yoga Instructors include Sharon McAuley, Dana Carter, Chris Csak, Holly Newton, Regina Flueck, Rhiannon King and Jenny Stewart.

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